What careers are in high demand?

Promising Jobs Ideas

You are in the right place if you want to start a business for the future and be aware of business ideas that will probably be popular in 2020!

Because in this article we will be talking about business ideas that will be a trend in the next 5-10 years…

It is difficult to predict what will happen in the future due to the current state of the world economy, but you need to be able to predict what will happen in order to start a new business, choose a university department, or acquire a new skill.

The world’s most successful entrepreneurs are not included in the herd and anticipate the needs of the market according to the competitive environment. Of course, each estimate has more or less error, but the reward will be large depending on the magnitude of the risk taken. Things like cars, mobile phones and the internet were initially approached with suspicion. As a result, however, the social, individual and economic impacts of these innovations were enormous.

Automobiles and motor vehicles in general served the growth of small companies. The Internet has caused online business to explode. Both innovations gave results in favor of small companies. What kind of innovations do small companies expect in the near future?

1. Data Analysis

The era of big data has begun and we can say that it is in its infancy. Many companies try to make sense of this data by accessing large databases about their customers, competitors and themselves. Especially in the field of marketing and market research, data analysis is expected to play a much more important role in the near future.

2. 3D Printing Shop

The logic of this business idea is to produce objects with low-cost 3D presses… 3D printing is becoming popular today, but these machines are still very expensive.

However, in the future, three-dimensional printing is expected to become much more widespread. So now it is very likely that these small printing machines will replace big factories. By investing in these presses, which can produce everything from architectural modeling to car parts, you can meet people’s needs and even open a 3D print shop. People come and tell you the objects they need, and you produce them on your 3D printer.

3. Organ Production

In the near future it will be possible to convert stem cells into tissue with high engineering and produce arms or legs in the laboratory. For example, a company from the US state of Connecticut already has this technology. A deformation in the body can be cured without removing tissue from another part of the body. The company applies polymer to the heavily deformed region and the stem cells mix with the blood to improve the deformed region. We can foresee that this technology will become more widespread in the future.

4. Bottled Oxygen

Oxygen cylinders were especially popular in the 90s. Even today, there are companies that do this job for athletes. The logic behind selling bottled oxygen is to eliminate fatigue and fatigue by increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood. Demand for bottled oxygen is expected to increase due to the negative effects of air pollution.

5. DNA Analysis

DNA provides important information on diseases. If the necessary interventions are made by examining the DNA structure, treatment of diseases can be produced. The company BioNanomatrix in Philadelphia has the technology to study DNA, and the company plans to increase its DNA analysis to $ 100 by 2020.

Reading your DNA also means that you can be treated in advance for future diseases.

6. Space Tourism

Space travel is possible at the moment, but to spend a few days in space it is necessary to disregard the 150-200 thousand dollars. However, in the near future space trips will fall to more reasonable prices, as many space companies are interested in this issue and are working hard to reduce costs. Because now there are huge companies operating in space. Even these companies are currently trying to build hotels in space. Let us state that such initiatives cost billions of dollars. So probably you will never have enough capital to start a business like this, but space tourism is a very interesting area in terms of showing you new trends in tourism.

7. Nano Medical

Nanotechnology is already being used to repair cells. According to a report issued by the British Government in 2015, nano-technology is claimed to be used much more in the field of medicine.

Professor Bruce Donald from Duke University is able to inject electrons into neurons in the brain through the microrobot he developed. Thanks to this small robot (as small as strawberry seed!) We will see a great integration in nanotechnology, robots and medicine.

8. Data Protection

Unfortunately, the day was born for the people who wanted to steal our data with the introduction of smart phones in every area of ​​our lives. The need for data and information protection is growing. There will be more need for data protection companies in the future that can take special measures to protect the information we carry in our pocket, from credit card information to photographs.

9. Stem Cell Bank

There is a great future in stem cell therapy. A company operating in this field, which tries to cure diseases with stem cells instead of drugs, can be established. But be aware that this requires a good capital and a good staff. Your investments can be zero in this area as well as your earnings.

10. Vertical Agriculture

Currently, high-yield gardens and greenhouses with high technology can be obtained with minimum water. The same is true for land. Especially in cities we see vertical gardens for agricultural purposes. In other words, these gardens, which resemble a car park in terms of structure, make it possible to buy 5-10 floors of product from one unit area because they are multi-storey. In the future, especially in cities, we will see more vegetables and fruits grown in multi-storey gardens. This means great business potential.

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